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UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 12-04-2022 JANISSARIES , EUNUCHS AND HAREM LIFE THE JANISSARIES THE JANISSARIES JANISSARY CORP: HOW SLAVES BECAME THE RULING ELITE From Slave to Sultan: Baibars and the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 12-12-2022 CHECK THIS OUT THE BANNED ISLAMIC HISTORY OF EUROPE SHOWN ON TURKISH TV WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES. TIME TO REVEAL THE PAST AND TIME FOR RESURRECTION. PAYITAHT ABDULHAMID Season 1 Episode 1 (English Subtitles) Payitaht Abdulhamid takes us back in time to the fight for the existence of the Ottoman Empire. The story depicts the life of Sultan Abdulhamid Han who ascended the throne in 1876 and remained on the post for 33 years. It also follows the events that took place in the Ottoman State and around the world during the time of the “Almighty Sultan”. TREATY OF LAUSANNE 1923, END OF OTTOMAN EMPIRE WHAT HAPPENS IN TURKEY AFTER 2023 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXttevSoUhM THE ABOLITION OF THE OFFICE OF THE CALIPH IS MARKED AS A TURNING POINT IN HISTORY https://www.heritagetimes.in/last-ottoman-caliph/ On the day 3 March, 1924, the Caliphate was officially abolished by the Turkish Republic under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The last #Ottoman caliph, #AbdülmecidII, was sent into exile in France along with the rest of the Ottoman family. #OttomanEmpire #OttomanCaliphate The Sultan along with 156 members of the Ottoman family were forced into exile. They were given just 3 days to leave. They wanted to go to Egypt and Syria which were formerly under Ottoman control but they were prevented. They settled in French-controlled Beirut and across Europe. Princess #DurruShehvar was the daughter of #AbdülmecidII the last Caliph of the Muslim world. She married to the eldest son of #NizamofHyderabad speaks about a deep and warm relationship between #OttomanKhilafat and Muslim political leaders of pre-partition India. I will start a little over 150 years before WW1, because understanding the events leading up to the destruction of the Ottoman Caliphate allows us to understand why WW1 happened when it did. Let’s remember the events leading up to and including WW1, but from the perspective of the Ottoman Caliphate, which was carved into pieces, unlike any of the other losing states after the war. – 1747 to 1757, the Saudi tribe rebels against the Ottoman Caliphate and annexes lands. Muhammad bin Saud takes in Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab and the Saudi-Wahhabi movement begins spreading, treating other groups as deviant and “not authentic Islam.” They attack the Ottoman Caliphate from within, taking the lands of Al-Dir’iyyah and Al-Ihsaa’. The movement goes into stagnation for 30 years for unknown reasons. – 1787, the Wahhabi movement resumes activity once again. Muhammed ibn Saud is dead (1765), and his son Abdul-Aziz is leading the tribe. He establishes an Emirate and a hereditary rule via a ceremony led by Muhammed ibn Abdul-Wahhab. -1788, the Saudi Wahhabi movement sets up a large military raid against the Caliphate, seizing Kuwait. This was done as an attempt to remove the “Bid’ah” of other Madhhabs and to “purify” the Muslim lands. – 1792, Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab dies. – 1811 to 1818, the Ottomans send their Wali (governor) from Egypt, Muhammad Ali, to deal with the Saudi Wahhabi attacks. Muhammad Ali defeats them, and takes Madinah back under Ottoman control (the Saudi tribe remains in exile until 1902, where they finally strike at the Caliphate during its weakest days leading to the establishment of modern-day Saudi Arabia in 1932 under British approval). – 1831, Muhammad Ali, after defeating the Saudi Wahhabi rebellion, turns around and betrays the Ottoman Caliphate, agreeing to work with France, and attacks Al-Shaam. He occupies Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, and attempts to move towards Anatolia. The Ottomans send a large force against him. He is forced back to Egypt. – 1839, the Caliph Abdul-Mejid I, who was only 16 years old, is guided by Britain and France to introduce the Kalkhana as law, the first direct attempt to introduce man-made law into the Calipate. Muslims deem it contradictory to Islam and it is rejected entirely. – 1842 to 1875, the Beirut Centre is established. British collaborators work with Christian locals to instil nationalist and secular tendecies within the Arab world. Most associations failed, as they only appealed to non-Muslims. Success is found through Arab-exclusive associations, which spread the idea that the Turkish Ottomans were occupiers, calling them “Turks,” and called for Arab nationalism as a new basis for unity. – 1889 to 1907, the Istanbul Centre is established, where British and French collaborators set up the “Committee of Union and Progress,” which later became known as “The Young Turks.” This party originally started in Paris, France, where they were taught admiration and loyalty to the French revolution. – 1902, Abdul-Aziz bin Saud, leader of the Saudi tribe, returned from exile in Kuwait to resume the conflict in the region, seizing Riyadh. This is the first of a series of attacks that ultimately lead to the creation of the modern state of Saudi Arabia in 1932 under British approval. - 1908, the Young Turks stage a coup and take control of the Ottoman Caliphate, becoming the “official party” of the state, leaving the Caliph as a figurehead similar to the Queen of England. – 1913, the “Decentralization Committee” was formed, splitting the administration of the Arabs from the Turks within the Caliphate, establishing the first-ever official nationalistic division within the state. – 1914, the Caliphate is being torn from within by nationalistic and secular movements. British and French influences have a strong hand in these events.WW1 begins. The “official” cause of such a large-scale war is ambiguous. – 1915, the British seize Gallipoli during the Dardanelles campaign, but end up at a deadlock and cannot progress further into Ottoman lands. The Battle of Galipolli is a genuine military victory of Ottomans, They attempt to incite Jamal Pasha against the Ottoman Caliphate. He agrees with some conditions, including the preservation of the unity of the Caliphate, among other conditions. The British and French refuse. – December 15th 1915, British troops retreat from Gallipoli. Mustafa Kamal presents his report to the German general commander with a watch damaged by a bullet, and he is hailed a national hero for his defeat of the British. – 1916, Mustafa Kamal uses his new fame to influence the Ottoman State to withdraw from the war and sign a peace treaty with the British. He fails and is banished from political discussions for a year. – 1917, Baghdad falls to the British, and they march towards Mousul. This worries the Ottoman government. They appoint Mustafa Kamal to lead the defence force. – 1918, Mustafa Kamal, continually attempting to convince the government to withdraw from the war and surrender, devises a plan to hand Aleppo to the British. On Sepember 19th 1918, he withdraws from the area, and retreats to the River Jordan and then continues all the way to Damascus. He recommends to the German High Commander Liman von Sanders that they should abandon the whole of Syria. Sanders replies by refusing to take responsibility for such a thing, and Mustafa Kamal agrees to take full responsibility. They retreat. - October 1918, Al-Shaam falls under British and French control, as do many other areas. Anwar Pasha reluctantly agrees to a truce. -October 30th 1918, the British refuse to discuss the peace treaty with Tal’at and Anwar Pasha, because they claim that these men were responsible for plunging the Ottomans into war, and demand a new government be formed. This destabilizes the government further. November 1918, WW1 officially ends – December 1918, the British begins to deal with the spoils of war. The Germans are dealt with according to international law. The Ottomans, on the other hand, were dealt with according to a secret plan that was formed in 1916 called the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This agreement stated that if the Triple Entente were to defeat the Ottomans in WW1, they would divide their lands according to these lines, similar to carving a turkey at a Thanksgiving dinner. Britain proceeded to implement this agreement in violation of international law, as they took the action unilaterally, before even signing the peace treaty, and without any input from the Allies or from the regions that were being carved out. Interesting facts regarding what took place during WW1 in 1915, the British promised the district of Antalya and the surrounding area along the Mediterranean to the Italians. One year later, in 1916, the British, the French, and the Russians agreed to the Sykes-Picot Agreement. In 1917, the British promised Herzl and his Zionist movement the land of Palestine. All this took place before the war was even close to ending. – 1918 to 1920, after a long period of a political vacuum, Mustafa Kamal gains significant control of the now-British-influenced government, and rallied nationalistic tendencies among the people in Turkey. He attempted to form an independent government in Ankara, but the Caliphate responded with a large force that defeated him and wiped out his authority. – 1920 to 1922, with Mustafa Kamal’s life and authority about to end, suddenly the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres, which was signed at the end of WW1 with the British, was made public and announced all over Turkey. This turned the population against the Caliphate, as they were seen as traitors. This saved Mustafa Kamal’s life, and gave him unrestricted access to every area of the government. But this treaty was never signed by Sultan Vahdettin and damat Ferit Pasha. Reza Tevfik (senator), Hadi Pasha and the Ottoman Ambassador of Bern Reshad Halis Bey signed this treaty. – October 29th 1923, Mustafa Kamal gives a speech calling for a vote to abolish the Caliphate and turn Turkey into a republic. This vote was not expected, and only 40% of voting deputies were in attendance. The vote passed and Mustafa Kamal was elected as the first president of Turkey. This was met with a huge uproar from the absent deputies, and the Muslims of the #Ottoman #Caliphate rallied around the Caliph Abdul-Mejid. This led to Mustafa Kamal having one of the protesting deputies assassinated, and began to threaten any dissenting voices. – March 1st 1924, Mustafa Kamal gives a speech about the necessity of destroying the Caliphate. He is met with fierce opposition and protests. He responded to the protests by saying “We must at all costs safeguard the endangered republic and make her rise upon solid scientific bases. The Caliph and the legacies of the Ottoman Family must go, the dilapidated religious courts and their laws must be replaced by modern courts and laws, and the clerics schools must concede their place to governmental secular schools.” – March 3rd 1924, despite the protests, the Greater National Assembly approves the abolishment of the Caliphate and the separation of Islamic law from the state. The Caliph Abdul-Mejid is given notice to leave, and the Caliphate is officially dissolved. – July 24th 1924, the Treaty of Lausanne is made effective. Britain recognises Turkey’s independence, and evacuates Istanbul and the straits. Over a century of effort and scheming finally completed. The Khilafah is finally destroyed. The abolishment of the Office of the Caliph on March 3rd, 1924 is marked as a turning point in history. To fully appreciate the significance of this anniversary, we must take ourselves back to Istanbul. The year is 1924, sometime after midnight. A single light, coming from the library is on, in the Dolmabahçe palace. There, an old man sits quietly and reads the Qur?an, pondering over the state of his Ummah (i.e. the Muslim nation). His name is Abdülmecid II and he is the 101st Caliph of Islam. Two years prior, his cousin Sultan Mehmed VI Vahdeddin had been exiled to Italy (where he later starved to death) and the Ottoman Sultanate had been abolished by the Grand National Assembly. The end of the Ottoman Empire had finally come to an end, however, the Office of the Caliph was not so easily dismantled, due to fears of a massive backlash that would ensue. A campaign of violence and intimidation began to ensure that all those who supported the Caliph were removed. Then, on the night of March 3rd, the final move was made. A young army messenger opened the door to the library of the Dolmabahçe palace. The hunched over Caliph continued to read from the Qur?an. The messenger was initially taken aback by the sight, but he forced himself and read out the proclamation from the Grand National Assembly. The Caliph refused to leave Istanbul, but his staff were worried that they would all be killed by the army that had now surrounded the palace and had him and his family, including women and children at gunpoint. After weighing the few options he had, he reluctantly packed some of his clothes and went into exile. Before morning prayer, the Caliph was taken to the main train station at gunpoint where he and his family were put on the Orient Express bound for Switzerland. An envelope containing £2000 was given to the man who left behind entire palaces full of diamonds, emeralds and gold. The station master quickly took the Caliph and his family into his small house adjoining the train station to shelter them from the cold on the platform while they awaited the train to start on its journey. As they drank tea, the Caliph thanked him for his hospitality. The station master, a Jewish man, began to cry. “How can you thank me?” he asked especially knowing that it was the Caliphs/Sultans of Islam who had preserved the life and dignity of the Jewish people whenever they were persecuted elsewhere in the world (e.g. Spain). Instead, he thanked the Caliph for the honour of being able to serve him even if for the briefest moment. In the morning, citizens awoke to the news that they had scarcely believed would ever happen – the Caliphate had been abolished. There were isolated riots and uprisings in various regions, but the army quickly put them down. The last Caliph spent his days walking along the promenade in Paris, France. There, he lived a humble life until he died in 1944 during the Nazi occupation of France. As no Caliph had ever been buried in non-Muslim lands, Abdülmecid II’s body was eventually transported to, and buried in Jannat Al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah, Arabia. The major political and spiritual office of Caliph had also been buried with him as well, an office which, to this day, remains to be filled, leaving a lasting impact on present-day Muslim lands and the Middle East, and fracturing the unity and peace that Muslims once possessed in their neighbourhoods. Source : Ottoman Imperial archives & Mazin AbdulAdhim THE BITTER STORY OF THE OTTOMAN DYNASTY’s EXILE Ekrem Bugra Ekinci https://www.dailysabah.com/feature/2015/03/13/the-bitter-story-of-the-ottoman-dynastys-exile On March 3, 1924, the leaders of the newly-formed Turkish Republic ordered the exile of the members of the Ottoman royal family. This did not just mean deportation, but also meant the beginning of a journey that included harsh living conditions in different parts of the world When the Ottoman sultanate and caliphate was abolished, 156 people belonging to the royal family were denied Turkish citizenship with a law that entered into force on March 3, 1924, and were deported in the following three days. With those who were exiled with their parents or children, even though they were not subjected to the law, and the servants who did not want to leave their masters, the number of exiled people reached the hundreds. The law forbade them to even pass through Turkey in transit. They were also told to liquidate their assets within a year or they would be seized by the Treasury. Sultan Mehmed VI went into exile earlier. Sultan Abdülmecid II and his family were deported within 24 hours, even before the law became effective, and they boarded a train in Çatalca instead of Sirkeci as officials feared demonstrations. The Jewish director of the train station was the last person to show respect to the sultan in his homeland. Although women were banned from ruling a country in the Ottoman-Islam tradition, women and their children, even grooms and brides, from the Ottoman family were exiled. None of the dynasties of European empires that were overthrown by revolution were treated in such a manner; only the monarchs were exiled and their belongings and assets were returned to them after a short time. Only the tsar and tsarina in Russia were slaughtered along with their children, and that was because the tsarist White Army was close to rescuing the tsar and his family. The members of the Ottoman family were given one-way passports. They wanted to go to Egypt, one of the countries that was once located within the borders of the Ottoman Empire, however neither the British, who ruled the region, nor King Fuad, who was jealous of the Ottomans, let them settle there. When they wanted to go to Syria, as it was close to their homeland, the newly established Republic of Turkey prevented it. Hence, some of the members of the Ottoman family settled in Beirut under the rule of the French and the rest scattered around Europe. Their palaces were ransacked under the supervision of the police even before they left. Some could sell their homes, antiques and valuable artworks for almost nothing and some gave them to those whom they trusted. Some of these "trusted" people betrayed them and took all their money and belongings while the rest of the assets were seized by the state and their right of succession, which was inherited from their grandfathers, was rendered invalid. Thus, a cruelty that has not been experienced so many times in the world was deemed proper for the decedents of Osman, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman family, which descended from the legendary Oghuz Khagan and was one of the oldest dynasties in the world, was forced off from the political stage. The Ottoman family could not believe what was happening. They had heard rumors about the abolishment of the sultanate on the eve of the exile, but they thought that the public still loved and favored them and did not even presume such a thing. Once they were banished, they thought the exile was a temporary situation. As a matter of fact, most of them did not take all their belongings with them as they believed they would return to their homes within a few months. However, the exile lasted 30 years for the women and 50 years for the men. All of them lived in exile with a country and a passport. The princes were trained in the military, which they could not make use of during the exile. It was not possible for the elderly sultans to work for a living. These people who were used to donating money to charities did not have money in banks or any cash with them. When they were exiled from the Turkish Republic, each family was given TL 1,000, which only covered their travel expenses and maintenance for a month. After they undersold their jewelry, they fell in the gutter. There were members of the royal family who washed dishes at hotels, begged for many or looked for something to eat from trash cans. Some lived with aid from Ottoman Armenians who also fled to Europe while some died of hunger. Muslim nobles such as Osman Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VII, the ruler of Hyderabad, which is located in present day India, Egyptian Prince Ömer Tosun and the King of Hejaz Husain ibn Ali tried to help the members of this fallen dynasty financially, but most of the aid did not reach those in need as the royal family was scattered around the world. Moreover, the government in Ankara reacted to the marriages between foreigners and members of the royal family and monitored their every step in exile. As a result, France did not grant citizenship to descents of Süleyman the Magnificent who rescued French King Francis I, but gave them passports that allowed them to travel freely. The Ottoman family was faced with poverty, deprivation and illnesses in addition to homesickness and the pain of injustice. Those whose last resting place is a cemetery of the nameless were the lucky ones as the bodies of some royals were lost or thrown into the sea. However, they all lived in dignity and with their honor. They were hurt by the treatment they experienced, but they never worked against their country. The women of the Ottoman family were granted amnesty in 1952 by the government led by Adnan Menderes and general amnesty, which entered into force in 1974, allowed Ottoman princes to return to their homeland. However, one cannot help but think whether they waited to grant amnesty to the royal family until those who knew the ways of the Ottoman court died or not. Apparently, the Republic of Turkey was still afraid of these desperate people. When general amnesty was put into practice, very few returned to Turkey. Young people settled down in exile and started families. Those who returned were not given Turkish citizenship immediately and were followed by undercover police officers for a while. People who care so much about the Tomb of Süleyman Shah better look at the state of his descendants. The sons and daughters of a dynasty, which achieved great victories in Ottoman and Islamic history, were deprived of speaking their own language, learning their religion, breathing the air of the country and dying in their homeland. Today, the Ottoman family does not expect goodness or favors from anyone. A pardon was given to the royal family, however, many people were born in exile and established new lives in their new homes. Regarding the current situation, the exile still continues, and this is a shame for Turkey and those who live in this region. If the cruelties in the pasts of people, families and nations are not atoned in any way, it prevents any good deeds. If a state does not compensate the injustices it caused in the past, it cannot look to the future with hope. The return and the recovery of the assets that were confiscated back then is something expected from the state. Moreover, it is a national debt to pay a monthly salary to every member of the Ottoman family to maintain their livelihood in Turkey until their belongings are safely returned. A foundation should be established to carry out this mission and it should also be supported by the state so that the state can bear a hand to those who are in need. Thus, the new generation of the Ottoman royal family would be brought up and get married in Turkish Islamic culture and the elderly would be able to spend the rest of their lives in peace in their homeland. When they die, they will be laid to rest with a funeral service proper. RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 12-16-2022 TIME TO BENEFIT FROM AWESOME BILINGUAL VIDEOS SHOWCASING VICTORIES AND DEFEATS FROM CRITICAL MOMENTS IN ISLAMIC HISTORY. BE PREPARED TO LEARN AND IMMERSE YOURSELF. HISTORY OF THE GREAT OTTOMAN EMPIRE (Khilafat e Usmania) OTTOMAN EMPIRE SEASON Faisal Warraich OTTOMAN SULTANS: SULTAN SELIM I (1512-1520) "THE GRIM" MARJ DABIQ WAR YAVUZ SULTAN SELIM FALL OF MAMLUK EMPIRE BATTLE OF RIDANIYA 1517 THE OTTOMANS AND THE CITY OF MAKKAH NIKI GAMM ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/the-ottomans-and-the-city-of-mecca--27037 Located about 45 miles from the coast, Mecca was an important trade center for the Arabian Peninsula. The person holding the post of sharif was responsible for law and order in the holy cities and for the safety of the pilgrims. In 1517, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I turned his attention toward the Mamluks who ruled an area that extended from northern Syria to the Arabian Peninsula from their capital of Cairo. He had decisively defeated the Persian shah and had been irritated to find that the Mamluks had been supporting the Persians against him. But he justified his campaign on the grounds that the Mamluks were too weak to ward off the aggressive Portuguese who threatened the Arabian Peninsula with its holy cities as a result of their activity in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea. The sultan entered Cairo in January 1517 after a fierce battle in which the Ottomans prevailed. At that time he also took the title of caliph which had been the prerogative of the Mamluk sultan up until then. Some months later Sultan Selim and his army proceeded to conquer Mecca and Medina, the holy cities, but he never fought a battle because the sharif (governor) of Mecca presented him with the keys to the cities. On August 29, 1517, Selim was officially proclaimed caliph by the sharif. The title of caliph originally meant successor, that is, the successor to the Prophet Muhammad. It became the title designating the highest post in Islam. For centuries it was held by the strongest political ruler. An important trade center Located about 45 miles from the coast, the city of Mecca was an important trade center for the Arabian Peninsula. Under the Ottomans, the city of Mecca continued to be governed by the sharif. The person holding the post of sharif was responsible for law and order in the holy cities and for the safety of the pilgrims; however, his resources were far from meeting all of the needs of the city. That is where the caliph came in. The Ottoman sultans took the position of caliph very seriously and maintaining it became a matter of pride and prestige. When it was discovered during the reign of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent (r. 1520-1566) that the foundations were insufficient to meet all of Mecca’s expenses, more such organizations were established to provide aid. At the beginning, the Ottomans only cared that Mecca and the area around it were quiet and what was due in the way of taxes was collected and spent as it ought to be. But in the 17th century, that began to break down as Ottoman preoccupation with its European holdings took hold. Instead of the military being in charge, the empire appointed bureaucrats to take charge. On top of everything, the Ottoman sultan felt responsible for any repairs that might be necessary for the Kaaba and other monuments. These were essential because of floods, earthquakes or fires. In 1626 heavy rains and flooding caused three of the four walls of the Kaaba to collapse. The following year the sanctuary was rebuilt and to help protect it in future, a golden rainspout was installed and a gutter was added. Organizing the annual pilgrimage also fell to the Ottoman sultans and much, if not most of the preparations were carried out by the women in the harem. The emir al-hajj (commander of the hajj), usually a military man, was appointed to be in charge and he was responsible for ensuring that everything was ready to be loaded on camels, horses and mules for the journey. He would be entrusted with the gifts and money (gold coins usually) that would be sent to the sharif of Mecca. Women in harem The women in the harem were responsible every year for sewing and embroidering the silk cloth (kiswa) that would cover the Kaaba. Traditionally its color was black and the embroidery on it was gold thread. The writing was, and still is, chosen from verses in the Quran. Once completed, it would be placed in a decorated carrying case and loaded on a camel that had been especially chosen for the honor of taking the cloth to Mecca. Pilgrims traveling from ?zmir, the European side of the empire and Uzbeks from Central Asia would join the pilgrimage in Istanbul. This great caravan would leave from Üsküdar with a heavy escort but not before a magnificent ceremony was held at Topkap? Palace. Another caravan, coming from the East, would join the one from Istanbul at Damascus. Suraiya Faroqhi writes in “Pilgrims and Sultans” that at the end of the 16th century, 60 camels were set aside for pilgrims who were poor and of these 20 would carry food. Camels were also provided to carry water barrels just in case water couldn’t be found on the road. In addition, in the 17th century we learn that at least 349 camels were set aside for the use of influential people. This must have been a truly impressive sight. WHY DID OTTOMAN SULTANS SAFEGUARD ISLAM's HOLY RELICS IN ISTANBUL ? https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/why-did-ottoman-sultans-safeguard-islam-s-holy-relics-in-istanbul-27405 HOLY RELICS OF PROPHET MOHAMMED EXHIBITED IN TOPKAPI PALACE https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/in-pictures-holy-relics-of-prophet-mohammed-exhibited-in-topkapi-palace-27424 TOPKAPI PALACE MUSEUM ISLAMIC SACRED RELICS PAVILION www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOivpBIj7vc www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMIoxrjIh20 www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6DvSOmjCQI www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEJF88OvixE www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRd3m5R5-68 www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpWr5arc8x0 PRICELESS VIDEO OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH SHIRT, BEARD HAIR, VEST AND SANDALS 7 GREATEST SWORDS OF THE WORLD USED BY THE PROPHET OF ISLAM TOPKAPI MUSEUM TURKEY MAIN RAKHAY TABRUKAT KI ASLIYAT DOLMABAHCE SARAYI YILDIZ SARAYI RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 01-24-2023 EMIRATE OF DIRIYAH AS THE FIRST SAUDI STATE THE EMIRATE OF NEJD AND THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIAN & HASHEMITE (JORDANIAN) ROYAL FAMILY TREES HOW THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST WAS CREATED WHAT WAS THE FIRST SAUDI STATE ? RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 01-27-2023 THE CASE FOR PROMOTING MUSLIM MILITARY LEADERS AND HEROES TO ERASE ISLAMOPHOBIC HOLLYWOOD AND BOLLYWOOD INTERPRETATIONS OF ISLAMIC HISTORY NEEDS TO INTENSIFY. THE DEEPLY EMBEDDED STEREOTYPE OF MUSLIMS AS BACKWARD BARBARIANS AND MODERN DAY TERRORISTS NEEDS TO BE CHALLENGED. HUMANITY NEEDS TO KNOW WHO EXACTLY IS OPPRESSING WHO AND WHY IT IS VITAL TO KNOW WHO IS HUMANITY'S ENEMY AND FRIEND. THE REAL TASK IS TO SHED LIGHT ON THE UNTOLD WAR ON HUMANITY. THE GLOBAL VISION 2000 REASON IS UNIQUE AS THE WORLD IS HEADING FULL STEAM INTO THE UNIVERSAL CLASH BETWEEN THE FORCES OF IMAM MAHDI AND DAJJAL. ARE YOU READY? IF NOT DON'T WASTE MY TIME AND GET OUT OF THE WAY. WHY IMRAN KHAN WANTS TO RELEASE TURKISH TV SERIES DIRILIS : ERTUGRUL ON PTV : HERE’s WHY RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 02-04-2023 SOMALIA, YEMEN, ERITREA, AND ETHIOPIA ARE DEEMED TO BE FAILED STATES IN MODERN TIMES. BUT IT IS TIME TO UNCOVER THE REGIONS HISTORY INCLUSIVE OF THE HIJAZ. THESE REGIONS INTERCONNECT THE RED SEA WITH THE MEDITERRANEAN AND THE INDIAN OCEANS. AND IN PARTICULAR IT'S FIGHT AGAINST EUROPEAN IMPERIALISTS FROM PORTUGAL, ITALY, FRANCE AND BRITAIN INCLUSIVE OF THE FLEDGLING GENOCIDAL RACIST RAF. WE WILL SOON DISCOVER THE CONFLICT AND CO-EXISTENCE BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTANITY AND BETWEEN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND EUROPEAN EMPIRES. THE REGION IS STILL AT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION OF MODERN EMPIRES DRAWING IN THE AMERICANS, CHINESE, RUSSIANS AND INDIANS. HOW SOMALIA FOUGHT BRITAIN FOR 20 YEARS - ANGLO-SOMALI WAR (Dervish Movement Documentary) OTTOMAN-PORTUGESE WAR FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN RE: UNITED STATES OF ISLAM ARMY - globalvision2000administrator - 02-25-2023 THE SPANISH THEATRE OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN FROM 711-1492. WHILST A GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CIVILISATION FLOURISHED NAMED AL ANDALUS IT'S END CLOSED A CHAPTER IN EUROPE'S ISLAMIC HISTORY. BLAME FOR THIS CAN NOT JUST BE LAID AT THE RECONQUISTA AND SPANISH CATHOLICISM BUT MUSLIM MILITARY WEAKNESS AND DEFEAT. THE CAUSE OF THIS WAS PRIMARILY BECAUSE OF INTERNAL DIVISIONS AMONGST MUSLIM LEADERS LEADING TO ANDALUSIAN MUSLIM DISUNITY. IT IS WORTH REHEARSING THIS AS MUSLIMS NEED TO LEARN LESSONS FROM THE RISE AND FALL OF ANDALUSIAN HISTORY. AS IT IS IS A MICROCOSM OF THE CONTEMPORARY MUSLIM WORLD. LESSONS FROM ANDALUSIA Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi THE SECRET MUSLIM HISTORY OF SPANISH CULTURE THE CONQUEST OF AL ANDALUS P1 COULD EUROPE HAVE BECOME MUSLIM IF IT LOST THIS BATTLE ? HOW THE MUSLIM BERBERS LOST SPAIN AND PORTUGAL THE FALL OF GRANADA P12 RECONQUISTA - THE LAST KINGDOM OF ISLAM The Story of the Final Days of Islamic Spain HISTORY OF MORISCOS Adnan Rashid. MORISCOS- OPPRESSED AND EXPELLED P13 WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MUSLIMS IN SPAIN AFTER THE RECONQUISTA AND THE FALL OF GRANADA ? SPANISH INQUISITION IMPACT ON MUSLIMS REBELLION OF ALPUJARRAS ISLAMIC MILITARY HISTORY - globalvision2000administrator - 02-26-2023 THIS FORUM HAS LOOKED AT THE RISE, FALL AND CONTEMPORARY REVIVALOF ISLAMIC CIVILISATION IN MULTIPLE WAYS. HOWEVER, MILITARY HISTORY CAN NOT AVOID UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS, FORCES AND CAUSES OF DEFEAT NO MATTER HOW PAINFUL. MUSLIM MILITARY HISTORY NEEDS TO UNLOCK LESSONS FROM HISTORY AND MUSLIM MILITARY LEADERS MUST AVOID REPEATING MISTAKES IN FUTURE AS THE FUTURE OF THE UMMAH AND HUMANITY ARE AT STAKE. BLOOD AND OIL: THE MIDDLE EAST IN WORLD WAR 1 THE OTTOMANS AND THE VORTEX OF WW1 Michael Reynolds PALESTINE 1920: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PALESTINIAN STORY https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2003/12/9/the-history-of-palestinian-revolts HOW ZIONISTS CAME TO PALESTINE UNDER BRITISH PROTECTION SIX DAY WAR : HOW ISRAEL DEFEATED 3 ARAB NATIONS IN LESS THAN A WEEK BATTLE OF GAZA OTTOMAN EMPIRE WW I THE FINAL DESTRUCTION OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE THE VICTORY OF KUT AL AMARA BRITAIN ON THE RUN - THE SIEGE OF KUT AL AMARA KUTÜL AMARE ZAFER (1916) || Irak Cephesi THE SIEGE OF KUT: AN UNFORGOTTEN OTTOMAN VICTORY NAPOLEON IN EGYPT Faisal Warraich TSAR AND SULTAN: EURASIA BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND TURKS Michael Reynolds WORLD WAR 1 IN THE MIDDLE EAST: EVERY DAY RE: ISLAMIC MILITARY HISTORY - globalvision2000administrator - 03-11-2023 AS WE ARE ENGAGED IN A GLOBAL STRUGGLE OF TRUTH AGAINST FALSEHOOD- HAQ v BATIL. THIS INCLUDES THE ULTIMATE TRUTH AND REALITY ON HAARP. AS WE ATTEMPT TO EXPOSE THE DAJALLIC NWO PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. AT THIS STAGE WE CAN ONLY EXPRESS OUR SYMPATHY AND SOLIDARITY WITH THE INNOCENT VICTIMS OF ANY HAARP CLIMATE GEOENGINEERING WAR ACTS GLOBALLY. THE FACTS ON THE GROUND ACCORDING TO SOME INDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE EXPERTS STATE THAT 250000 BUILDINGS COLLAPSED OR WERE DAMAGED IN THE RECENT TURKISH AND SYRIAN EARTHQUAKES. THEY ESTIMATE UPTO 250000 PEOPLE MAYBE DEAD AND THE DAMAGE TO THE TURKISH ECONOMY IS IN THE REGION OF 100 BILLION US DOLLARS. WE STRONGLY CONDEMN ANY ROGUE NATION WHICH FALLS SO LOW IN CIVILISATION AND RESORTS TO SUCH GENOCIDCAL BARBARISM. THIS TECHNOLOGY NEEDS TO BE OUTLAWED IMMEDIATELY BY THE UN. IF NOT SOME NATIONS WILL RESORT TO RETALIATORY MEASURES. IT IS CLEAR TO MANY THAT THERE IS A HIDDEN DAJALLIC WEATHER WEOPONISING TECHNOLOGY WHICH IS IN OPERATION. IT IS THE CAUSE OF DROUGHTS, FLOODS, EARTHQUAKES AND TSUNAMIS AND NOT GREENHOUSE CARBON EMISSIONS GARBAGE. THE DAJALLIC FOOTPRINTS ARE EVERYWHERE IF YOU EXAMINE IT'S MODUS OPERANDUS. BECAUSE IT IS HIDDEN AND CLASSIFIED THE CULPRIT ROGUE SUPERPOWER CAN CLAIM PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. IT IS TIME THAT THE MUSLIM WORLD TAKES THIS SERIOUSLY AND ESTABLISHES A MILITARY SHIELD TO PROTECT ITSELF AND ADOPT OTHER NECESSARY MEASURES. THE FIRST STEP IN THIS DIRECTION IS FOR THE MEDIA TO REJECT THAT THE EARTHQUAKES OR FLOODS OR DROUGHTS ARE NORMAL. THEY ARE ABNORMAL AND EXTENSIVELY DESTRUCTIVE TO BE DEEMED AS PART OF 6TH GENERATION WARFARE. THE HIJAB HAS TO BE RIPPED OFF THIS WESTERN WEOPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND THOSE BEHIND IT NEED TO BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. TURKEY’s PARAMILITARY UNIT MEMBER BLAMES US FOR EARTHQUAKES, SAYS WEST WANTS TO OUST ERDOGAN ACCORDING TO SENATOR DIANA IVANOVICI SOSOACA EARTHQUAKE IN TURKEY AND SYRIA WAS CAUSED BY THE US Voltaire Network | 14 February 2023 https://www.voltairenet.org/article218842.html H.A.A.R.P. | DEPREM OYUNLAR? (EARTHQUAKE GAMES?) HAARP DEPREM MAKINESI (EARTHQUAKE MACHINE) HAARP PROJESI Pelin Çift ile Gündem Ötesi 95. Bölüm HAARP WEATHER WEAPON CAUSES EARTHQUAKES HAARP MASTER RE: ISLAMIC MILITARY HISTORY - globalvision2000administrator - 03-17-2023 IMF DICTAT AND THE IMF SHOULD BE TOLD TO GET STUFFED. THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT IS BEING REFERRED TO NEED TO DO THEIR HOMEWORK AND NOT WASTE TIME OF SOME OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTERS OF OUR TIMES. PAKISTAN AND INDEED NO COUNTRY SHOULD EVER BE DICTATED BY THESE DAJALLIC USURIOUS NWO BANKERS SUBVERTING THEIR NATIONAL INTEGRITY AND SECURITY. IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE GONE DOWN THIS PATH WHETHER THEY ARE LENDERS OF LAST RESORT OR NOT. THIS TRODDEN PATH IS THAT OF THOSE WILLING TO DECLARE WAR AGAINST ALLAH SWT . SURELY A SELF DESTRUCTIVE PATH. ONE CAN UNDERSTAND THE SENTIMENT OF THOSE VOICES ADVOCATING SENDING A DEPARTING GIFT OF A SHAHEEN MISSILE IN THEIR DIRECTION. ALSO IT WOULD NOT BE INAPPROPRIATE TO SUGGEST TAKING SOME TREACHEROUS PAKISTANI ELITE MEMBERS TO A FIRING ROOM AND DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR COMMITTING TREASON AGAINST THE ONLY MUSLIM NUCLEAR POWER IN THE WORLD. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A SHOT IN THE ARM FOR THE PAKISTANI NATION AND A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. THE TIME HAS ARRIVED GLOBALLY FOR A MORAL GLOBAL RESET AS OPPOSED TO A DAJALLIC DAVOS BANKRUPT GLOBAL RESET. IT IS TIME TO CALL AN END TO THE PARTY TAKING THE WORLD FOR A BLOOD SUCKING RIDE. WHO SAID GIVE ME A FEW DAYS TO SORT OUT THE WORLD'S NWO DISORDER? IMF EYES TO STOP LONG RANGE SHAHEEN 3 AND OTHER MISSILES OF PAKISTAN |