01-06-2023, 08:55 PM
Disbelief Etiology C)
Are we still naïve outsiders?
The incompetence of immigrant American Muslims in both understanding Islam and then operationalizing institutions and mosques based on that understanding is enormous – and largely unknown. Had it been known, it would have been remedied. This incomprehension lies with both the “elite western educated modernist immigrants,” and with the “mentally incompetent, literalist/Phariseeistic immigrants”; both types who attempt to implement and practice The Way of Muhammad suffer from an intellectual backwardness of a profound sort. The whole American Islamic culture is based on the residues of the flavor and mentality brought to these shores by the immigrant generation hailing mainly from he Arab world and Indian Subcontinent. The major exceptions are the African American and white American converts, whose role in the build-up and maintenance of mainstream American Islamic sentiment and ethos is (unfortunately) at best marginal or contained in a separate sub-culture.
These immigrant residues are just beginning to wear off from the second generation, the immigrants' children – most of whom are slowly realizing how tainted their own understanding of Islam is by an immigrant third world mentality. There are a lot of facets of this mentality that we can expose, but we will focus on a few that have enormous bearing on understanding the silence and lack of vigorous support for 9/11 Truth by American Islam.
The first is fear. Huge segments of American Muslims came to this country looking to better their lives through opportunities afforded by American society. Thankfully, many have found success. For them, the reality is that the US is the best place on earth in terms of opportunity, and returns on hard work, honesty and obeying rules. They see that the blatant nepotism, corruption, bribery, and cut throatedness necessary to socio-economically ascend in their home-countries was relatively absent here. This is true – and as an American, I am proud of this. However, this feeling of gratitude does not absolve anyone from his or her spiritual responsibilities to speak out against crime. This gratitude, this “thank-God I'm here and not there” mentality has led to an “I don't care to rock the boat by sticking up for justice in the manner My Prophet would ask of me” mentality, or “I am not going to bite at the hand that feeds me” mentality. The logical unsoundness of this position is obvious, so I won't bother exposing it. The hand that feeds us is not the same hand that killed almost 3000 people on 9/11. The reason why the immigrants are doing so well is thanks to a nation state which some intrepid, bright men and women set into motion circa the late 1700s – and those same men and women would be crying bloody murder at the attitudes “American” Muslims display in their avoidance of 9/11Truth. “Don't call yourself American,” they would tell us. “Don't Call Yourself Muslims either” may be a voice some of us hear in our hearts when we realize what transpired and our lack of response.
The second “immigrant Muslim psychological complex” that has left its residues on The American Muslim response (or lack of) to 9/11Truth has to do with a naïveté and inferiority complex which most of this group projects onto the “shiny modern white man's world.” This is a world where the trains run on time, infrastructure is maintained, a sense of professionalism and obeying the law and following rules exists, and fair play still occurs to the extent perceivable by most. What people who are in the grip of such a complex (the majority) need to do, is to talk to those of us who have had access to the arenas where the maintenance of fiscal inertia is ‘the only guiding precedent' – and if fiscal inertia dictates the creation of a false flag operation which sacrifices some lives on US soil for ‘a greater good,' so be it. In the context of the world of healthcare, if it means keeping certain beneficial breakthroughs or beneficial knowledge away from the public markets – so be it, let some lives be sacrificed, let some people remain sick. Such arenas, where fiscal inertia demonstrably reigns supreme over the public welfare, and where policies dictating such inertia originate, are accessible to those of us who have had the distinct pleasure to sit in on board meetings at the top of the hierarchies of a given institution that has a for-profit component. Most folks have no such experience. Such folks suffer from a delusional perception that mixes the ‘glitter' of living in a society with functional infrastructure and institutions, with a guarantee of ethical conduct when fiscal inertia is at stake. It is an interesting paradox, because in the third-world, the corruption and criminality that have leeched into policy-making institutions, be they governmental or corporate, is so much more transparent and intuitively expected by third-worlders. But in the ‘shiny west', this immigrant Muslim generation that influences the tone of American Islam somehow believes all of that has magically disappeared. In short, most folks who have been imprisoned in this thought pattern need to learn that there are indeed cracks and cobwebs in the walls at Disneyland, and underneath, Mickey and Goofy are not Mickey and Goofey – they are two guys getting paid 10 dollars an hour, and they do take their masks off once they are in the sub-basement underneath the Magic Kingdom. Such folks ought to listen to those who have been to the sub-basement.
Disbelief Etiology D)
Can we afford to acknowledge this 9/11 truth?
Many individuals who consider themselves activists, academics, or commentators have found a niche for themselves. There is a great deal of personal energy, egoistic pride, and even financial interest invested into the niche within which they operate. Suppose a thesis comes along and exposes the very basis of your activist, academic, or analytic platform as misdirected, diluted in comparison to an alternative choice of activism, or patently false. The whole construct of your work is pulled out from underneath you. This does not take away from any of the good work that you may do, but the very basis of your perceptions and diagnosis of a given problem that you are trying to remedy has been found to be profoundly lacking, and it may be time to face the facts and re-organize if you are sincerely committed to dealing with the issue (in this case, 9/11). The problem for a given activist may be that they have so many material and non-material factors (or other psychological obstructions – see below) invested in sustaining a given misdiagnosis, a misdiagnosis which yields the coveted opportunities to soapbox, pontificate, lead, organize, rally, dialogue, or be the spokesperson in the limelight. Remember our doctor from above who misdiagnosed the cancer? He helped your cough, and even the pneumonia – but had he found the cancer, he would have lost his relationship with you as a patient. This re assessment is tremendously difficult to deal with for many – and this difficulty often hides deep in the subconscious of those whose niche 9/11 Truth threatens, subtly obstructing what should be the embrace of 9/11 Truth.
Putting this into specific contexts, there is a whole arena, and even an industry, that is based on bringing healing between “Islam” and “the West.” This has exponentially grown through 9/11. After all, the mainstream thesis, which 9/11 Truth exposes as false, is based on a “ nasty thing done to the West by angry Muslims.” “Please, let us try to understand each others grievances,” cry the darling moderates of both sides. On their proverbial soapboxes, in the spotlight, and at times, seduced by the notoriety and ego massage, you can hear the American Muslim activist: “Shame on those bad Muslims…. Islam means peace…damn those Wahaabies…. We are gonna cleanout our own house!”
The “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic that “moderate Muslim commentators” use is a direct result of uncritically swallowing the mainstream thesis. Once the slip is made into allowing the “bad Muslim versus good Muslim” theme to predominate in explaining why 9/11 happened, the devil wins. Indeed, this flawed Muslim moderate stance is one side of a poor coin. The other side of the coin is the religious extremist stance from which moderates are trying to dissociate themselves. Unbeknownst to the moderates themselves, the moderates are in the same bag as extremists. The extremists state that this crime was about religious jihad – or hold a sentiment which sort of silently nods in approval at 9/11 as a kick in the groin by ‘dar-al Islam' at The Great Satan . The reason the extremists and moderates are two sides of the same coin when it comes to their perception of 9/11 is that they quickly succumb to injecting religious discourse into the matter, instead of seeing the ever so many flaws in the mainstream thesis, a thesis that coerces weak minded analyses to start from the platform of religious discourse, yet prevents the sound mind from saying ….” wait a minute, what is it really that caused the success of these heinous attacks? ” The mainstream thesis must be rejected, and 9/11 must be seriously rethought as a crime that was perpetrated for many strategic reasons – and by parties that have nothing to do with religious discourse, except to use religious discourse as a false flag and scapegoat.
As stated above, there is even an ego massage that comes for many who occupy the niche of ‘darling Muslim moderate,' the person who leads, organizes, or pontificates – a real attachment can develop to such roles, and the roles keep coming as long as they stick to the “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic and use the mainstream 9/11 thesis as a platform for their analyses and activism. “Shame on the bad Muslims amongst us” they say, as if 9/11 occurred solely by the hands of “the baddies.” Being moderate does not mean we stop using our intelligence, nor does being moderate mean compromising the truth of things, or neglecting the facts of a case. Being moderate means politely presenting ones view and condemning aggression in any way shape or form.
What is perhaps needed is a platform of “ intelligent moderation.” This is a platform that rejects the immediate leap to the “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic as pertaining to the case of 9/11, and instead asks, “Wait…why does the evidence show that this mainstream thesis is false?” “Wait – if the mainstream thesis is false, let's put a hold on the ‘bad Muslim versus good Muslim' explanation, perhaps there were some other factors at work that led to the perpetration of this crime.”
It is necessary to reiterate that the proponents of 9/11 truth dutifully acknowledge the existence of the phenomenon known as ‘militant Islamic networks' and the ideologies that espouse such a phenomenon – “the bad Muslims.” But assigning full blame to them for the attacks of 9/11 is patently false.
I am not suggesting that we should stop defending the religion of Islam from the slanderous implications that spring directly from the mainstream thesis; even pre-9/11, clarifying the Islam of Muhammad from its counterfeit forms and the various misperceptions (either ignorantly or deliberately) promoted by various agendas has been a mandate for anyone who loves Muhammad. It is important to bring healing to the relationship between Islam and the typical western modern psyche. However, to use another analogy, if we liken the work of defending Islam from recurrent slurs, to jumping into a river to save an increasing number of drowning babies who have fallen in by some terrible accident, at some point, it might be wise to deploy one of us to head upstream to see what the nature of the accident was. Continuing with the 9/11 Truth metaphor, we may be surprised to find a cabal of folks throwing them in to the river deliberately. Would it be wise in this scenario to pay no attention to what causes the babies to end up in the water in the first place? What a waste of resources if we remain blind to this. Perhaps if we were to draw attention to the perpetrators, the need to jump into the river and save the babies would dramatically decrease.
Disbelief Etiology E)
If 9/11 Truth is true, isn't the situation hopeless? I mean, what difference can we make? (Psychological weakness)
The psychological need to maintain some feeling of control, or need to believe we possess the ability to make an impact which brings about change in the manner we'd like, this psychological need is quite powerful in those who feel the need to answer the call of activism and address 9/11. This need is so strong, that in light of the obvious evidence that suggests 9/11 was an inside job coordinated through our own US security apparatus – many still can not process this data correctly and cannot admit that yes, perhaps there are rogue elements in our own US covert operations and security apparatus who helped make 9/11 happen; and it is pressure from these same rogues which is squashing attempts at bringing 9/11 Truth into the mainstream discourse.
The implications of the 9/11 Truth thesis are very psychologically disempowering, for they imply perpetrators within the US and indeed the world who are “above the law.” People are notorious for avoiding a feeling of disempowerment at all costs– even to the extent that they are willing to look away from evidence that suggests precisely this. People are so scared of feeling disempowered that often they'd like to cling to delusional constructs rather than face facts. The truth does indeed sometimes hurt. Even in individual social relationships, if we may use this as a microcosmic example – the capacity for one individual to delude oneself into maintaining a dysfunctional situation is astounding, when the alternative is facing a feeling of disempowerment. Those who avoid the issue of 9/11 Truth indeed have a dysfunctional relationship with the topic of 9/11 and activism. We may prefer to remain on our soapboxes for various psychological reasons, one of which mentioned above is the vested egoistic and materialistic interests we have to maintain our niche, even when faced with facts there is something profoundly flawed with our version of things. Added on this, there is the avoidance of facing facts in order to avoid a feeling of hopelessness and disempowerment – and the soapbox in our niche remains standing, rather than us donating the wood of our soapbox to raise the one representing 9/11 Truth a bit higher.
Yet again, there are scores of examples to illustrate that within large bureaucracies and hierarchical organizations, there are those individuals, groups, and agendas – that can quite literally ‘get away with murder.' For those of us who have had access to witnessing the functioning of this dynamic – we need no proof that it is possible for groups to be so socio-politically and financially insulated and leveraged, that getting away with tacitly approving even mass murder and hiding within the blitz of hierarchy, bureaucracies, plausible deniability, excuses of incompetence, etc... is certainly a plausible scenario Remember – fiscal inertia is a most powerful compeller..
So, how do our efforts, our “symptomatic relief efforts” that can't touch the cause of the disease measure up in this case? As activists, do we have the courage to understand what we are up against? If we don't, we will continue clinging to our delusions that things will get better if we just keep on writing, lecturing, sloganing, marching, shouting – convincing others that these were “bad Muslims”, but we are good Muslims because Islam is good.
The way to correctly face this, from the spiritual perspective – is to fully assimilate (not just mentally understand) one of the maxims taught by all of the great prophets and saints, be they in the Hindu, Parsi, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, or Islamic traditions. Since, I try my best to adhere to the Islamic tradition – the words I always keep in mind are…
La Hawla wa La Quwataa illa billahil Aleeyul Adheem
There is no Power or Might Save Through God The Most High and Magnificent.
That is, any dominion, temporal authority, leveraged command and advantage, is only possible through Gods Leave; it is borrowed; on loan – which means in the end, His Will is always Manifested. Sooner, or later, Justice Cometh. In the face of such perpetrators then, our response can never be a feeling of disempowerment, and its attendant hopelessness or avoidance of facing facts. Rather, a rise to Holy Struggle against criminality ensues in the heart of one who is conscious of The Sacred, which is accompanied by a feeling of pity at those perpetrators, that have necessarily deluded themselves in thinking their schemes are leading them to success. They abuse the dominion and authority, which is granted them (although they believe that they are the beneficiaries of nothing else but their own cunning and devices) – and ultimately, this will be their ruin, whether we witness this or not; whether in this temporal life, or not. While we work against their scheming, both by “relieving symptoms” which their actions cause, and trying to expose them directly (the cause of the symptoms), we know that the effort, no matter how small or negligible the result here in the mortal phase of our existence, is always exalted in The Eyes of The Divine Audience, and bears fruit no matter what. Our response to those perpetrators is a stern warning, and then if they persist doing what they do, we persist on opposing them, and we say “wait then…. and we shall wait with you, for The Last Day.”
Hence, from the theistic perspective – there can be no feeling of disempowerment . Avoiding this feeling of disempowerment goes a long way in allowing us to face the facts of the situation. From the perspective of secular humanistic activism, the ways to avoid disempowerment also exist, but this is beyond the scope of our discussion.
Disbelief Etiology F)
Failure in pursuing the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth – so help us God? Disinformation patterns.
The best kind of disinformation is that which is full of lots of accurate information, but contains just the right amount of falsehood, either by omission of key facts, or addition of wrong information – such that perpetrators may continue their course. Remember, the best counterfeit is that which mimics the real thing best. In this light, we need to look at the common phrase that used to be repeated by folks who were swearing in testimony in a court of law, as they raised their right hands. It protected against disinformation in its basic forms. First, was a swearing to tell the truth . Next, this was qualified by a request to reveal the truth in its entirety, because it is possible to misinform through telling the truth, but not the whole truth . Even more, it is possible to tell the whole truth, but sprinkle onto it something else which misinforms a jury about a given situation, hence the additional pledge of telling nothing but the truth . There you have the basic forms of misinformation – to not tell the story, or not tell the whole story, or tell the whole story, but add stuff with the aim of keeping people in the dark.
In the context of 9/11, let us just mention two misinformation patterns that have arisen. In bringing these up, I am not accusing their proponents of consciously disseminating misinformation; what I am stating is that in light of the corpus of data found by the 9/11 Truth movement, the following explanation must be seen as misinformation.
1) Misinformation #1 – The Blowback hypothesis: This essentially acknowledges the truth of corporate sponsored US creation and build-up of militant Islamic networks, and states that shame should be upon us for training those “Muslim militant rogues out there.” Shame on us Americans for training them, teaching them the logistics and operations of espionage, high tech arms, and the like. Shame on us for financing them. We used them to further our interests, but like a Frankenstein monster, they have turned against us.
This is false based on evidence that proves our foreknowledge of 9/11, and evidence of continued liaisons and support of these “militant Islamic networks,” and based on the obstructive behavior of the present regime and various oversight committees toward efforts in getting to the bottom of why 9/11 occurred.
2) Misinformation #2: Damn those Saudis – We are at their mercy. This was one of the recurrent themes of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit – 9/11. Remember, not telling the whole truth is just as bad as not telling the truth. I am not accusing Mr. Moore of consciously engaging in misinformation – but not telling the whole story can be misleading. Mr. Moore stuns the audience in exposing just how deep the US corporate – Saudi ties run, and how much of our economy they influence. The typical American would obviously feel that they have been “invaded” by the Saudis in a non-military fashion.
What Mr. Moore was partially describing is the Saudi Petro-dollar relationship. The crux of this relationship lies in a dynamic that commands the Saudis to sell oil to the corporates (Western) at massively subsidized prices, and the cash the Saudis get from this is to be largely re-invested back into western banks and wall street – these petro-dollars play a large role in keeping our economy afloat; Corporations and Banks need the Saudis to re-invest the cash they get from selling us oil, back into our economy. Yet this is presented as some ‘invading malignant threat.' In actuality, it is a rigged game, rigged to ensure that hydrocarbons, and cash, keep flowing in a one-way fashion into Wall Street – with the Saudi regime taking a cut for its own uses. It is not very difficult to understand – most things having to do with business transactions are not. If US corporations get even a slight inkling, that the Saudis are planning to take the cash from oil sales and proceed to some other market – it will be bye-bye for that particular regime, and hello to another more ‘friendlier' one. People should never forget – we have the guns to enforce this. This “regime change” for the sake of keeping profit margins plump, and our economy afloat, would make complete business sense, and has been implemented plenty of times.
The last thing to realize is that these dynamics have nothing to do with America, or Saudi Arabia. People who use the idiom of nation state often get thrown off by believing that at this level, nation st...
Are we still naïve outsiders?
The incompetence of immigrant American Muslims in both understanding Islam and then operationalizing institutions and mosques based on that understanding is enormous – and largely unknown. Had it been known, it would have been remedied. This incomprehension lies with both the “elite western educated modernist immigrants,” and with the “mentally incompetent, literalist/Phariseeistic immigrants”; both types who attempt to implement and practice The Way of Muhammad suffer from an intellectual backwardness of a profound sort. The whole American Islamic culture is based on the residues of the flavor and mentality brought to these shores by the immigrant generation hailing mainly from he Arab world and Indian Subcontinent. The major exceptions are the African American and white American converts, whose role in the build-up and maintenance of mainstream American Islamic sentiment and ethos is (unfortunately) at best marginal or contained in a separate sub-culture.
These immigrant residues are just beginning to wear off from the second generation, the immigrants' children – most of whom are slowly realizing how tainted their own understanding of Islam is by an immigrant third world mentality. There are a lot of facets of this mentality that we can expose, but we will focus on a few that have enormous bearing on understanding the silence and lack of vigorous support for 9/11 Truth by American Islam.
The first is fear. Huge segments of American Muslims came to this country looking to better their lives through opportunities afforded by American society. Thankfully, many have found success. For them, the reality is that the US is the best place on earth in terms of opportunity, and returns on hard work, honesty and obeying rules. They see that the blatant nepotism, corruption, bribery, and cut throatedness necessary to socio-economically ascend in their home-countries was relatively absent here. This is true – and as an American, I am proud of this. However, this feeling of gratitude does not absolve anyone from his or her spiritual responsibilities to speak out against crime. This gratitude, this “thank-God I'm here and not there” mentality has led to an “I don't care to rock the boat by sticking up for justice in the manner My Prophet would ask of me” mentality, or “I am not going to bite at the hand that feeds me” mentality. The logical unsoundness of this position is obvious, so I won't bother exposing it. The hand that feeds us is not the same hand that killed almost 3000 people on 9/11. The reason why the immigrants are doing so well is thanks to a nation state which some intrepid, bright men and women set into motion circa the late 1700s – and those same men and women would be crying bloody murder at the attitudes “American” Muslims display in their avoidance of 9/11Truth. “Don't call yourself American,” they would tell us. “Don't Call Yourself Muslims either” may be a voice some of us hear in our hearts when we realize what transpired and our lack of response.
The second “immigrant Muslim psychological complex” that has left its residues on The American Muslim response (or lack of) to 9/11Truth has to do with a naïveté and inferiority complex which most of this group projects onto the “shiny modern white man's world.” This is a world where the trains run on time, infrastructure is maintained, a sense of professionalism and obeying the law and following rules exists, and fair play still occurs to the extent perceivable by most. What people who are in the grip of such a complex (the majority) need to do, is to talk to those of us who have had access to the arenas where the maintenance of fiscal inertia is ‘the only guiding precedent' – and if fiscal inertia dictates the creation of a false flag operation which sacrifices some lives on US soil for ‘a greater good,' so be it. In the context of the world of healthcare, if it means keeping certain beneficial breakthroughs or beneficial knowledge away from the public markets – so be it, let some lives be sacrificed, let some people remain sick. Such arenas, where fiscal inertia demonstrably reigns supreme over the public welfare, and where policies dictating such inertia originate, are accessible to those of us who have had the distinct pleasure to sit in on board meetings at the top of the hierarchies of a given institution that has a for-profit component. Most folks have no such experience. Such folks suffer from a delusional perception that mixes the ‘glitter' of living in a society with functional infrastructure and institutions, with a guarantee of ethical conduct when fiscal inertia is at stake. It is an interesting paradox, because in the third-world, the corruption and criminality that have leeched into policy-making institutions, be they governmental or corporate, is so much more transparent and intuitively expected by third-worlders. But in the ‘shiny west', this immigrant Muslim generation that influences the tone of American Islam somehow believes all of that has magically disappeared. In short, most folks who have been imprisoned in this thought pattern need to learn that there are indeed cracks and cobwebs in the walls at Disneyland, and underneath, Mickey and Goofy are not Mickey and Goofey – they are two guys getting paid 10 dollars an hour, and they do take their masks off once they are in the sub-basement underneath the Magic Kingdom. Such folks ought to listen to those who have been to the sub-basement.
Disbelief Etiology D)
Can we afford to acknowledge this 9/11 truth?
Many individuals who consider themselves activists, academics, or commentators have found a niche for themselves. There is a great deal of personal energy, egoistic pride, and even financial interest invested into the niche within which they operate. Suppose a thesis comes along and exposes the very basis of your activist, academic, or analytic platform as misdirected, diluted in comparison to an alternative choice of activism, or patently false. The whole construct of your work is pulled out from underneath you. This does not take away from any of the good work that you may do, but the very basis of your perceptions and diagnosis of a given problem that you are trying to remedy has been found to be profoundly lacking, and it may be time to face the facts and re-organize if you are sincerely committed to dealing with the issue (in this case, 9/11). The problem for a given activist may be that they have so many material and non-material factors (or other psychological obstructions – see below) invested in sustaining a given misdiagnosis, a misdiagnosis which yields the coveted opportunities to soapbox, pontificate, lead, organize, rally, dialogue, or be the spokesperson in the limelight. Remember our doctor from above who misdiagnosed the cancer? He helped your cough, and even the pneumonia – but had he found the cancer, he would have lost his relationship with you as a patient. This re assessment is tremendously difficult to deal with for many – and this difficulty often hides deep in the subconscious of those whose niche 9/11 Truth threatens, subtly obstructing what should be the embrace of 9/11 Truth.
Putting this into specific contexts, there is a whole arena, and even an industry, that is based on bringing healing between “Islam” and “the West.” This has exponentially grown through 9/11. After all, the mainstream thesis, which 9/11 Truth exposes as false, is based on a “ nasty thing done to the West by angry Muslims.” “Please, let us try to understand each others grievances,” cry the darling moderates of both sides. On their proverbial soapboxes, in the spotlight, and at times, seduced by the notoriety and ego massage, you can hear the American Muslim activist: “Shame on those bad Muslims…. Islam means peace…damn those Wahaabies…. We are gonna cleanout our own house!”
The “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic that “moderate Muslim commentators” use is a direct result of uncritically swallowing the mainstream thesis. Once the slip is made into allowing the “bad Muslim versus good Muslim” theme to predominate in explaining why 9/11 happened, the devil wins. Indeed, this flawed Muslim moderate stance is one side of a poor coin. The other side of the coin is the religious extremist stance from which moderates are trying to dissociate themselves. Unbeknownst to the moderates themselves, the moderates are in the same bag as extremists. The extremists state that this crime was about religious jihad – or hold a sentiment which sort of silently nods in approval at 9/11 as a kick in the groin by ‘dar-al Islam' at The Great Satan . The reason the extremists and moderates are two sides of the same coin when it comes to their perception of 9/11 is that they quickly succumb to injecting religious discourse into the matter, instead of seeing the ever so many flaws in the mainstream thesis, a thesis that coerces weak minded analyses to start from the platform of religious discourse, yet prevents the sound mind from saying ….” wait a minute, what is it really that caused the success of these heinous attacks? ” The mainstream thesis must be rejected, and 9/11 must be seriously rethought as a crime that was perpetrated for many strategic reasons – and by parties that have nothing to do with religious discourse, except to use religious discourse as a false flag and scapegoat.
As stated above, there is even an ego massage that comes for many who occupy the niche of ‘darling Muslim moderate,' the person who leads, organizes, or pontificates – a real attachment can develop to such roles, and the roles keep coming as long as they stick to the “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic and use the mainstream 9/11 thesis as a platform for their analyses and activism. “Shame on the bad Muslims amongst us” they say, as if 9/11 occurred solely by the hands of “the baddies.” Being moderate does not mean we stop using our intelligence, nor does being moderate mean compromising the truth of things, or neglecting the facts of a case. Being moderate means politely presenting ones view and condemning aggression in any way shape or form.
What is perhaps needed is a platform of “ intelligent moderation.” This is a platform that rejects the immediate leap to the “good Muslim versus bad Muslim” dialectic as pertaining to the case of 9/11, and instead asks, “Wait…why does the evidence show that this mainstream thesis is false?” “Wait – if the mainstream thesis is false, let's put a hold on the ‘bad Muslim versus good Muslim' explanation, perhaps there were some other factors at work that led to the perpetration of this crime.”
It is necessary to reiterate that the proponents of 9/11 truth dutifully acknowledge the existence of the phenomenon known as ‘militant Islamic networks' and the ideologies that espouse such a phenomenon – “the bad Muslims.” But assigning full blame to them for the attacks of 9/11 is patently false.
I am not suggesting that we should stop defending the religion of Islam from the slanderous implications that spring directly from the mainstream thesis; even pre-9/11, clarifying the Islam of Muhammad from its counterfeit forms and the various misperceptions (either ignorantly or deliberately) promoted by various agendas has been a mandate for anyone who loves Muhammad. It is important to bring healing to the relationship between Islam and the typical western modern psyche. However, to use another analogy, if we liken the work of defending Islam from recurrent slurs, to jumping into a river to save an increasing number of drowning babies who have fallen in by some terrible accident, at some point, it might be wise to deploy one of us to head upstream to see what the nature of the accident was. Continuing with the 9/11 Truth metaphor, we may be surprised to find a cabal of folks throwing them in to the river deliberately. Would it be wise in this scenario to pay no attention to what causes the babies to end up in the water in the first place? What a waste of resources if we remain blind to this. Perhaps if we were to draw attention to the perpetrators, the need to jump into the river and save the babies would dramatically decrease.
Disbelief Etiology E)
If 9/11 Truth is true, isn't the situation hopeless? I mean, what difference can we make? (Psychological weakness)
The psychological need to maintain some feeling of control, or need to believe we possess the ability to make an impact which brings about change in the manner we'd like, this psychological need is quite powerful in those who feel the need to answer the call of activism and address 9/11. This need is so strong, that in light of the obvious evidence that suggests 9/11 was an inside job coordinated through our own US security apparatus – many still can not process this data correctly and cannot admit that yes, perhaps there are rogue elements in our own US covert operations and security apparatus who helped make 9/11 happen; and it is pressure from these same rogues which is squashing attempts at bringing 9/11 Truth into the mainstream discourse.
The implications of the 9/11 Truth thesis are very psychologically disempowering, for they imply perpetrators within the US and indeed the world who are “above the law.” People are notorious for avoiding a feeling of disempowerment at all costs– even to the extent that they are willing to look away from evidence that suggests precisely this. People are so scared of feeling disempowered that often they'd like to cling to delusional constructs rather than face facts. The truth does indeed sometimes hurt. Even in individual social relationships, if we may use this as a microcosmic example – the capacity for one individual to delude oneself into maintaining a dysfunctional situation is astounding, when the alternative is facing a feeling of disempowerment. Those who avoid the issue of 9/11 Truth indeed have a dysfunctional relationship with the topic of 9/11 and activism. We may prefer to remain on our soapboxes for various psychological reasons, one of which mentioned above is the vested egoistic and materialistic interests we have to maintain our niche, even when faced with facts there is something profoundly flawed with our version of things. Added on this, there is the avoidance of facing facts in order to avoid a feeling of hopelessness and disempowerment – and the soapbox in our niche remains standing, rather than us donating the wood of our soapbox to raise the one representing 9/11 Truth a bit higher.
Yet again, there are scores of examples to illustrate that within large bureaucracies and hierarchical organizations, there are those individuals, groups, and agendas – that can quite literally ‘get away with murder.' For those of us who have had access to witnessing the functioning of this dynamic – we need no proof that it is possible for groups to be so socio-politically and financially insulated and leveraged, that getting away with tacitly approving even mass murder and hiding within the blitz of hierarchy, bureaucracies, plausible deniability, excuses of incompetence, etc... is certainly a plausible scenario Remember – fiscal inertia is a most powerful compeller..
So, how do our efforts, our “symptomatic relief efforts” that can't touch the cause of the disease measure up in this case? As activists, do we have the courage to understand what we are up against? If we don't, we will continue clinging to our delusions that things will get better if we just keep on writing, lecturing, sloganing, marching, shouting – convincing others that these were “bad Muslims”, but we are good Muslims because Islam is good.
The way to correctly face this, from the spiritual perspective – is to fully assimilate (not just mentally understand) one of the maxims taught by all of the great prophets and saints, be they in the Hindu, Parsi, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, or Islamic traditions. Since, I try my best to adhere to the Islamic tradition – the words I always keep in mind are…
La Hawla wa La Quwataa illa billahil Aleeyul Adheem
There is no Power or Might Save Through God The Most High and Magnificent.
That is, any dominion, temporal authority, leveraged command and advantage, is only possible through Gods Leave; it is borrowed; on loan – which means in the end, His Will is always Manifested. Sooner, or later, Justice Cometh. In the face of such perpetrators then, our response can never be a feeling of disempowerment, and its attendant hopelessness or avoidance of facing facts. Rather, a rise to Holy Struggle against criminality ensues in the heart of one who is conscious of The Sacred, which is accompanied by a feeling of pity at those perpetrators, that have necessarily deluded themselves in thinking their schemes are leading them to success. They abuse the dominion and authority, which is granted them (although they believe that they are the beneficiaries of nothing else but their own cunning and devices) – and ultimately, this will be their ruin, whether we witness this or not; whether in this temporal life, or not. While we work against their scheming, both by “relieving symptoms” which their actions cause, and trying to expose them directly (the cause of the symptoms), we know that the effort, no matter how small or negligible the result here in the mortal phase of our existence, is always exalted in The Eyes of The Divine Audience, and bears fruit no matter what. Our response to those perpetrators is a stern warning, and then if they persist doing what they do, we persist on opposing them, and we say “wait then…. and we shall wait with you, for The Last Day.”
Hence, from the theistic perspective – there can be no feeling of disempowerment . Avoiding this feeling of disempowerment goes a long way in allowing us to face the facts of the situation. From the perspective of secular humanistic activism, the ways to avoid disempowerment also exist, but this is beyond the scope of our discussion.
Disbelief Etiology F)
Failure in pursuing the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth – so help us God? Disinformation patterns.
The best kind of disinformation is that which is full of lots of accurate information, but contains just the right amount of falsehood, either by omission of key facts, or addition of wrong information – such that perpetrators may continue their course. Remember, the best counterfeit is that which mimics the real thing best. In this light, we need to look at the common phrase that used to be repeated by folks who were swearing in testimony in a court of law, as they raised their right hands. It protected against disinformation in its basic forms. First, was a swearing to tell the truth . Next, this was qualified by a request to reveal the truth in its entirety, because it is possible to misinform through telling the truth, but not the whole truth . Even more, it is possible to tell the whole truth, but sprinkle onto it something else which misinforms a jury about a given situation, hence the additional pledge of telling nothing but the truth . There you have the basic forms of misinformation – to not tell the story, or not tell the whole story, or tell the whole story, but add stuff with the aim of keeping people in the dark.
In the context of 9/11, let us just mention two misinformation patterns that have arisen. In bringing these up, I am not accusing their proponents of consciously disseminating misinformation; what I am stating is that in light of the corpus of data found by the 9/11 Truth movement, the following explanation must be seen as misinformation.
1) Misinformation #1 – The Blowback hypothesis: This essentially acknowledges the truth of corporate sponsored US creation and build-up of militant Islamic networks, and states that shame should be upon us for training those “Muslim militant rogues out there.” Shame on us Americans for training them, teaching them the logistics and operations of espionage, high tech arms, and the like. Shame on us for financing them. We used them to further our interests, but like a Frankenstein monster, they have turned against us.
This is false based on evidence that proves our foreknowledge of 9/11, and evidence of continued liaisons and support of these “militant Islamic networks,” and based on the obstructive behavior of the present regime and various oversight committees toward efforts in getting to the bottom of why 9/11 occurred.
2) Misinformation #2: Damn those Saudis – We are at their mercy. This was one of the recurrent themes of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit – 9/11. Remember, not telling the whole truth is just as bad as not telling the truth. I am not accusing Mr. Moore of consciously engaging in misinformation – but not telling the whole story can be misleading. Mr. Moore stuns the audience in exposing just how deep the US corporate – Saudi ties run, and how much of our economy they influence. The typical American would obviously feel that they have been “invaded” by the Saudis in a non-military fashion.
What Mr. Moore was partially describing is the Saudi Petro-dollar relationship. The crux of this relationship lies in a dynamic that commands the Saudis to sell oil to the corporates (Western) at massively subsidized prices, and the cash the Saudis get from this is to be largely re-invested back into western banks and wall street – these petro-dollars play a large role in keeping our economy afloat; Corporations and Banks need the Saudis to re-invest the cash they get from selling us oil, back into our economy. Yet this is presented as some ‘invading malignant threat.' In actuality, it is a rigged game, rigged to ensure that hydrocarbons, and cash, keep flowing in a one-way fashion into Wall Street – with the Saudi regime taking a cut for its own uses. It is not very difficult to understand – most things having to do with business transactions are not. If US corporations get even a slight inkling, that the Saudis are planning to take the cash from oil sales and proceed to some other market – it will be bye-bye for that particular regime, and hello to another more ‘friendlier' one. People should never forget – we have the guns to enforce this. This “regime change” for the sake of keeping profit margins plump, and our economy afloat, would make complete business sense, and has been implemented plenty of times.
The last thing to realize is that these dynamics have nothing to do with America, or Saudi Arabia. People who use the idiom of nation state often get thrown off by believing that at this level, nation st...